Manly Men, Climate Change and Spermageddon with Mark W. Sutton

The Oligarchy is already entrenched in the US, and the billionaire man boys are touting the man culture, because hey, men need help. Recently, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg who turned to the MAGA side said that more “masculine energy” is needed in the American workplace, because the current high levels of male dominance in the corporate world is not enough! There seems to be a tech-bros-know-how-to-be-macho movement which is being splashed across the news cycles as Bezos, Musk, and Zuckerberg et al, spread their testosterone far and wide, especially Musk, who is on a mission to populate the world almost by himself, as he has fathered 12 children by various women. In addition, misogyny and predatory behavior once a roadblock to being a government representative, is now being brushed aside, as the GOP turns the other cheek when a prospective cabinet member is accused of sexual assault or is a blackout drunk! Amazingly they stopped Matt Gaetz, but he will rise again, pun intended! Men have ruled the world for centuries, and look where it’s gotten us!! How are we going to reach regular good guys and the men who need help and need guidance to get through these tough times. Who is looking after them? Certainly not the Tech/MAGA bros.
So what do we do in this new year to protect the planet and protect ourselves from the incoming blitzkrieg?  Are there men who will stand along side women to resist, and fight and take action to heal the earth? The world is topsy turvy now, and there is much work to be done to preserve the rights of Earthlings and resist the madmen! 
On the climate side of things, we need to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for their role in causing global warming, which is leading to extreme weather events. On this week’s episode of TMSOG, Mark W. Sutton joins us and he gives us some insight into how best to reach out to men. We discuss how chemicals in the environment are harming children and lowering  mens sperm counts (Spermageddon), plus we talk about the LA fires and the hell storm in the White House. Mark is the author of the very timely book How Democrats Can Win Back Men. He has produced radio content for NPR, Air America and The Mother Jones Radio Show. He appeared as a gender expert on MSNBC, CBS Radio and as a guest host for the TV show Men’s Net. He is passionate about social justice, economic justice, the environment and much more. For more info go to

To donate to those affected by the LA Wildfires go to: and

If you need a laugh, and I think we all do, check out Spermageddon, a Norwegian Animated film of that name — here is the trailer.

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A Special shout out to Neil Richter for all of his help and engineering wizardry in getting TMSOG up and running each week.

TMSOG is proud to be on Feedspot’s list of the 50 Best Environmental Podcasts.