FEAR by Mercy Faith (May 2020)

maybe we needed to slow down

maybe Mother Nature said enough is enough

humans are destroying the planet

by polluting the air, the land, the water

with plastics and toxic chemicals invading

our rivers, streams, oceans, lakes, mountain tops 

jungles, beaches, farms and lawns

we infringed upon the habitats of other species

killing them or turning them into trophies

something had to give, so a virus transferred

by a bat sent a plague into the world

the ME had overtaken for too long, became dominant,  

lost its way, and the WE had to take a back seat, 

now the WE is what will save us, 

as we retreat from the viral enemy

FEAR has a way to make people change their ways

yet the greed and stupidity is spreading,

we disregard death, 

human life doesn’t count, you can be sacrificed 

 ‘cause you’re old or you are a different color 

yet you still bleed red, you still die

clearly shopping is more important than living   

gotta go to the bar, gotta get a tattoo,

gotta go bowling for dollars, even though the

risk is great, only facts tell the truth

we can’t slow down, we have lost

our way, we need to respect each other

Mother Nature has taken charge, 

she is delivering a message from the universe

she is screaming at us to clean up our room,

clean up our act and clean up the planet!

or she will send bigger things to FEAR,

as this is only the beginning