Elly Lessin has produced many corporate and non-profit events over the last couple of decades, and she has recently switched gears to became a steward of the Earth. She is now a Climate Reality Project Presenter, and she also works with the Pachamama Alliance, which focuses environmental and social issues via the spiritual connection we all have to the earth, and embraces all humanity. Working with the elders of the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon, Pachamama has an unwavering commitment to work together to “change the dream of the modern world.”
Elly’s green “ah ha” moment came from her father, via his passion for astronomy and the physical sciences, as well as social justice issues/causes. He loved the cosmos and the magnificence of the Universe. Elly wants to carry on her dad’s visions and love of the earth. For more information go to climaterealityproject.org, pachamama.org, thegreendivas.com and themanyshadesofgreen.com