Composting – The Many Shades of Green Providing ideas to help make the world a better place for this and future generations Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:43:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Composting – The Many Shades of Green 32 32 #1442: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Founder of Mompost Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:00:13 +0000 Continue reading "#1442: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Founder of Mompost"]]> Annie-Hauck-Lawson-The-Many-Shades-of-Green-2My guest this week is Annie Hauck-Lawson, author, nutritionist, master composter and the current Greening Director at Poly Prep Country Day School in Brooklyn. Annie co-edited the book Gastropolis: Food and New York City, and founded Brooklyn Mompost. She created the term “Food Voice,” and her recollections of her upbringing in Brooklyn, foraging for edibles in Prospect Park, fishing off the Brooklyn Coast, and starting one of the first Natural Food pushcarts in Brooklyn gives us great insight into her upbringing, which shaped her vision of the importance and connection we all have to food and nature. To get more information go to
